Men’s Mental Health Month

Men’s Mental Health Month

November is Men’s Health Awareness Month, and International Men’s Day is November 19th. This month, many organisations will raise awareness and celebrate all aspects of men’s health. We will be talking to members of our multidisciplinary team to get...
Top tips for a Dementia-Friendly Christmas

Top tips for a Dementia-Friendly Christmas

Christmas can be a magical time of year, but for many, it is fraught with worry about how to make it dementia-friendly for those who are living with dementia and complex care needs. This is often because their likes, wants and needs may have changed. The pressure to...
The Seven Stages of Alzheimer’s

The Seven Stages of Alzheimer’s

What is Alzheimer’s? Alzheimer’s is a type of dementia that affects memory, thinking and behaviour.  Who developed the Seven Stages?           The seven Clinical Stages of Alzheimer’s disease, also known as the Global...
Symptoms of Dementia

Symptoms of Dementia

Knowledge is power! The myth that dementia is just a normal part of getting older can lead to many not seeking help and support early enough. Getting to know the symptoms of dementia can help you pursue a diagnosis. Having a diagnosis will give you the ability to seek...
Meaningful Exercise

Meaningful Exercise

Exercise and meaningful activities are important whether you are 25 or 85 years old. However, for those living with complex care needs, which may include behaviours that may be challenging, dementia or/and mental health. Meaningful and person-centred exercise and...